Alexander-Technique Training Course in Berlin

What You’ll Learn to Do

  • Sit, stand, and lift objects (crates, for example), walk, move with greater ease
  • Reduce and eliminate pain
  • Carry out repetitive activities (i.e. computer work) in a healthy way
  • Release tension
  • Enhance your perception of your own body
  • Relate to yourself and your environment with new awareness
  • Practice a new profession and bring a fresh perspective to all you do
  • Free yourself from counterproductive habits
  • Regain and retain your composure by breaking old habits; learn not to get in your own way

At a glance

  • Space for individual personality development
  • Weekend training course/Well compatible with main profession
  • With previous experience entry into the training is continuously possible
  • Intensive supervision and access to the instructor
  • Location in easy-to-reach Berlin-Schöneberg in a a friendly and lively neighborhood
  • Fair contract drafting(Can be canceled monthly in the first six month)

                    Applying AT to your world

AT as a helpful tool for all of your everyday activities

Staying relaxed

Get rid of counterproductive habits and get out of your own way


Convenient weekend training sessions and generous contract conditions


Self-development through intensive, individual supervision


Inexpensive in comparison to individual lessons


Stay active and healthy as you age

Your Alexander Technique Teacher,

Matthias Graefen

As a keen runner, I was experiencing increasing pain during workouts. I was desperate to find a solution and stumbled upon the Alexander Technique thanks to a recommendation. After my first session, I could already sense that the Technique had incredible potential. The more I learned, the freer I became – physically and, as a result, mentally. I experienced less pain, found a fulfilling job, and got my “feet on the ground” in every sense of the phrase. The Alexander Technique became a way of life for me, which is why I decided in 2001 to become an AT teacher. Since that time I have been able to help hundreds of clients develop their potential through AT.

I experience life as an on-going process of development; supporting others’ personal growth fills me with joy and enhances my own continued learning.

Participants say…

“I always had lower back pain and was afraid that I’d get a slipped disc. Because of my work with Matthias, I know how to move correctly and release tension, and I have a totally new relationship with my body. Alexander Technique has become an integral part of my life and supports me every day so that I can enjoy my life even more. That’s why I’m taking the Alexander Technique teacher training course.”

Steffen Raebricht – Psychologist


“When a friend told me about the Alexander Technique a couple of years ago, I thought: that sounds like the ideal relaxation method for stressed-out office workers – and I decided to try a lesson with Matthias. Now I know: it’s much more than that. Relaxation is actually not the point at all – the lessons can be quite demanding – rather, it’s about learning to be friendlier to your body, not asking more of it than is necessary. That’s not easy for someone as stubborn as I am. But with time I’ve come to understand that less often really is more and that I can get the same results with less effort. And in the end, that leads to mental calmness too.”

Ingo Way – Journalist

“Through stress, hustle and bustle, and especially by squatting in front of the computer, i had gradually lost the natural feeling for the correct posture. Resulting in tensions and pains. With the Alexander-Technique and working with Matthias, i regained mindfulness with my body and natural orientation back.”

Stefan Holtkötter – Writer

Next Steps


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Make an appointment


Try it out!

Two Bonuses for You

Come to a trial lesson and receive the booklet “Alexander-Technik auf den Punkt gebracht in 36 Seiten”. In this informative pamphlet, AT founder F. M. Alexander’s niece explains the Technique from her perspective and describes its fascinating principles with great clarity. Based on 70 years of experience with the Alexander Technique, this is an eye-opening work.

Twice yearly, Jerusalem-based AT teacher Yael Tam will join our class as a guest instructor. Yael has been teaching for almost 40 years and has a rich background in AT. She was trained by Patrick McDonald, a direct student of F. M. Alexander, in London.

Attractive Contract Terms

I am confident in my abilities as an AT teacher, and I am always getting positive feedback from my students, so I want to offer you generous contract terms.

You are free to cancel your course contract with one month’s notice during your first six months and quarterly thereafter. We can also tailor the contract to meet your individual needs.

  • Month-to-month contract
  • Aligned with your individual needs

Course Details


  • Anatomy
  • Principles of the Alexander Technique
  • Physical alignment
  • Practical mental orientation in AT principles
  • Inhibition training
  • Focus on issues of your choice

The Alexander Technique teacher training course follows the international guidelines of the German Association for the Alexander Technique (ATVD).

The training course consists of a total of 1600 hours distributed over about 3½ years. With successful completion of the program, participants earn the professional title of Lehrer/in der F. M. Alexander Technique, ATVD.

Instruction takes place approximately 36 weeks per year. The hours of instruction are Fridays from 18:00 to 20:00, Saturdays and Sundays from 11:00 to 15:00, and Mondays from 18:00 to 20:00. Holiday breaks are coordinated with the school holidays of the State of Berlin.

The course fee is 450€ monthly.

Participants may join the training course at any time.

Instruction is in German and English.

The course takes place in Berlin-Schöneberg (Erdmannstraße 12, 10827 Berlin).

The training course teaches the fundamentals of the F. M. Alexander Technique as set out by Frederick Matthias Alexander (1869-1955) in his books.

The training course to become an Alexander Technique teacher sets in motion a continual process that encourages and accompanies personal growth and change.

The theoretical portion of the course is based on the primary and secondary literature on the Alexander Technique. Certain theoretical segments will be taught by the instructor, but the participants will prepare the majority of the material and lead group discussions. This enables the participants to learn to convey AT principles verbally.

Anatomical foundations and connections will be presented in both theoretical and practical contexts.

Hands-on work is a significant part of the Alexander-Technique Teacher Training Course. Through the support of the instructor as well as interactions with the other participants, each trainee will over time acquire the ability to create his or her own, versatile way of teaching. To this end, participants explore and present on a theme of their own choosing during the third year of study.

Participants also learn to structure and offer individual and group lessons as well as introductory sessions and talks, and to carry them out in a professional manner.

In the third year of the training course, participants take on students in a practicum situation under the supervision of the instructor.

The school is at its heart a place that offers each individual the chance to experiment, discover, research, and deepen his or her engagement with the questions and interests that arise, all according to the principles of the Alexander Technique.

Requirements for Participation

As a potential participant in the teacher training course, you should already have gained some practical experience with the Alexander Technique and have taken private lessons. Please send a written application that gives me an idea of your current situation and your motivations. We will set up an appointment to discuss these in order to reach a mutual understanding of what the training course would entail for you and whether it would be a good fit.

You Have A Question

    Registration by phone or email:

     Guests and colleagues are welcome at any time.